I would like to begin with one of my mother’s concepts: “Baba(my son), greatness is not the position  you hold, greatness is what you do from that position” and so I always try to follow my mother’s lesson.
It was during January 2016 when I went to Barisal division to hand over computers to Barisal, Patuakhali and Bauphal press club and also to inaugurate an academy in Bauphal upazila which was funded by Islam Karim Foundation, that is part of my on-going programs all over the Bangladesh. We left Dhaka at 5am from Gulshan to Bhawfal with a few local journalists, 3 university students and a guide who was from Patuakhali.
While we were crossing Hatirjheel, there were only few cars in the road; Dhaka was just waking from its sound sleep. Hatirjheel is a wonderful addition to the city’s landscape, the silhouette of the bridges and the lights made me forget that I was in Bangladesh. Its inexplicable beauty reflected my memories and made me think of some part of Sydney, Australia and some part of Japan. The roads were clear and I was thinking what a beautiful country it would be if we could make everything organised and dreaming of a country full of beauty and joy.
By this time we arrived near to Mawa Ferry Ghat. Our driver was worried as to whether we could catch the first ferry to cross the river Padma. We were lucky that the ferry was waiting for a VIP to come aboard as they had been informed beforehand. The ferry was full, only a few spaces were left in case the VIP came with more than one vehicle. When the VIP eventually arrived, I told our driver to follow him, but he was hesitant and a little bit scared, however, I insisted and he followed the VIP onto the ferry, the security let us in. May be he didn’t understand that we were not with the VIP. As I sat in my vehicle, enjoying the beauty of the river Padma, I was thinking, how fortunate you are if you are a VIP in Bangladesh.
I watched the people on the bank of the river, working hard, no fear, in a very lively mood and singing songs with happiness, they built their dream house on the bank of the river, they have a very good relationship with the river they drink her water, take a shower in the river they don't worry about paying the bills, they have no electricity, gas or other modern appliances to enjoy. Instead they were utilising and enjoying everything from nature. Sometimes the Padma becomes annoyed with them and destroys everything they build, they fight again to survive. As I was comparing life in England to the lives of these people, the developed countries and the underprivileged countries I found significant parallels to survival, I couldn’t come to a conclusion as to which life is better.
After a while, we reached the other side of Padma and our driver tactfully pulled our vehicle before the VIP and we were on our way to Bhawfal, Patuakhali, Barisal. I was enjoying the natural beauty and the rivers along the way and as we were passing Barisal City, two names came to mind. A K Fazlul Haq and another one was Jibanananda Das. Both were born in Barisal - old name Chandradip. A K Fazlul Haq was called Tiger of Bengal and played an active role in our Bangladeshi politics and left a huge legacy in our history and our Bangla and Muslim culture. Jibanananda, after Rabindranath, was the creator of a new kind of modernity in Bangla poetry. He gave birth to a completely new kind of language and left a legacy of our literature and culture. At last we reached Bawpal upazilla where a lot of people were waiting to receive us and escort us to the place where a mosque and school would be inaugurated. The people were very cordial and after the inauguration programme, we had our lunch in Shikder Bari at Dalim’s house. The food was delicious; every item was cultivated and prepared from their own natural resources.
Our next program was to handover a computer in Bauphal Upzela Press Club, a lot of motorbikes escorted us to the press club. We handed over the computer to the press club President and Secretary in the presence of around two hundred people including all the political and social organisations which were united and well organised. Our next program was Patuakhali Press Club, so we left Bauphal. We handed over the computer to the president and secretary of the Patuakhali Press Club in a very colourful programme where a lot of intellectuals and the elite people of Patuakhali were present. We had an invitation from DC Amitab Sarkar and SP Sayed Moshfikur Rahman, both are real gentlemen. We went to the DCs residence first and then the SPs residence, a warm welcome were given by both individually. Their approach, manner and hospitality with delicious food was remarkable, The DC Amitab Sarkar came outside and showed his contribution to the development of Patuakhali District during his tenure including a new fountain he built which enlightened the beauty of Patuakhali city.
With  Amitab Sarkar,DC Patuakhali, and 
Sapon Kumar, President Patuakhali Press Club.
During my recent visits to 27 districts in Bangladesh, he was one of the most outstanding DCs. He is not only an exceptional officer he is also a great human being. We stayed overnight at Patuakhali and left at 5am to see Kuakhata, it’s known for its panoramic sea beach. The view of the sunrise and sunset from the same white sandy beach in the water of the Bay of Bengal. We saw the sunrise but couldn’t enjoy the beauty of sunset because we had to go to Barisal Press Club to our next computer hand-over program. Barisal Press Club program had a different fascination because the prominent mainstream journalist Z I Mamun informed the President and the Secretary about me and my programs before I came to Bangladesh. Barisal is his birthplace and he is very popular in this division. After a spectacular program we were on our way back to Dhaka. 

Written by: DR. Nurul Karim, Barmingham, UK

DR. Nurul Karim, Barmingham, UK

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